Thanks for all of the messages last week. And yes, happiness happens even in trying times. However, I do want everyone to know that even someone like me, who sees the silver lining more often than not, does have happy challenged moments when her happiness zappers feel consuming.

Happily, we are having Happiness Happens Month–the world needs more smiles–especially right now.

Also, thank you to everyone who’s helped support our celebration and will be on our Happiness Happens Month Smile Supporter Wall — which will be up by Saturday. If you’re inclined either you or your organization can still support Happiness Happens Month and help us make the world a little smilier in August.

Our theme this year is Operation #SmileStarter.
31 Days
31 Smiles
Take the #SmileStarter Challenge
The #SmileStarter Challenge gives you an activity each day to start a smile for you or someone else. Yes, it’s important for you to smile too.
However, if an activity doesn’t make you smile that day or fit with your schedule,
you can change up the days. Or do an alternate activity.
Flexibility is key to keeping our happy during this challenging time.
So, let’s get started:
  • Join the Happiness Happens Month FB Group  If you’re already a SOHP Weekly Subscriber, please let us know when you answer the email question we ask when you join our Happiness Happens Month FB Group
  • Invite your friends to take the #SmileStarter Challenge — just send them to to sign up.
Let’s make August the smiliest month of 2020 so far.
You can pre-order your
starting Saturday, August 1.
We hope to ship them out by the middle of August.
We did order a limited number so if you want one order early. 

If you love what we’re doing and it makes you smile, please consider supporting SOHP Weekly – for the cost of a cup of coffee. While we deliver our digital pub for free to your inbox each week, we hope you’ll consider making a one-time gift of $3, or a monthly offering of that same amount. Your support helps us make the world a happier place.

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Your goodies are on the way! Check for a confirmation email and click the link in the email so that we can send your happy goodies to you right away! So excited to have you join us!!

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