???? Day Five: Hunt for Happiness Week ????
My throat is a little scratchy from the rainy weather we are having or I'd send you a video of me singing "Oh, happy day!" ???? Are you humming that in your head now? ???? I'm featuring the #SmileStarter Pets -- because they make me smile. #SmileStarting people do...
???? Day Four: Hunt for Happiness Week ????
Happy Hunt for Happiness Week Hump Day!!! We're on day four -- if a particular Smile Starter hunt doesn't appeal to you then you can do a different one. Here's one of our #SmileStarter Pets -- the hunt was announced during day 2. If you don't know how to get the...
???????? Day Three: Hunt for Happiness Week ????
Have you found a little happiness the past two days? Are you behind and haven't gotten to do any hunts? No worries links to the past two days are at the bottom ???? I love sharing #SmileStarter posts and tagging other social media posts with #SmileStarter. Please...
???? Day Two: Hunt for Happiness Week ????
We got our hunts out for day one a little late on Sunday. No worries -- you can do them today or any day. Remember one of our goals is to fill social media sites with the #SmileStarter hashtag. Today is special. Below is the Hunt for Happiness Week video that I did...
???? Day One: Hunt for Happiness Week ????????????
Happy 19th Happiness Happens Week. Here's a little video. Please watch -- it'll start a smile for me and hopefully you ???? As I explained we're hunting for #SmileStarters--you'll get 3 Smile Starter Hunts. If you haven't signed up to be a Smile Starter...
It’s Time to Hunt for Happiness 🙂
Well, it’s THAT time of year again… Last year’s holidays are done and gone… The weather is bone-chilling cold and gloomy, Some places are even snowed in right now. That faint flicker of light at the end of this winter’s tunnel… It starts glowing brighter the closer we...
❄️ SOHP Weekly: Happy 2020 ❄️
Happy 2020!!! Mine started off on a happiness fast start. I got to visit Atlantic City last week to speak. Since then I've been busy getting my ducks in a row for the 19th Hunt for Happiness Week that starts Sunday. So I'm doing a little happy dance. We have...
SOHP Weekly: ☃️???? SOHP Weekly: Happy Sparks ????☃️
Thanks for all of the kind words about my happy challenged holiday. I've found a bit of my holiday happy by decorating -- albeit later than usual. My house resembles homes in a Hallmark movie. I'll do a video tour soon. I'm also being social and travelling a bit....
SOHP Weekly: ❄️Holiday Happy & Holiday Blues ❄️
One moment I was eating turkey, and the next moment I woke up and it was OMG it's December 1. Is anyone else feeling the rush of losing a pre-Christmas week this year? Last year Thanksgiving was early so we had an extra week before Christmas and the New Year. I'm just...
SOHP Weekly: Happy Thanksgiving ????
This Thanksgiving holiday I'm sending each of you a big hug -- because I'm thankful for each of you and love you lots. ❤️❤️❤️ We live in a world that focuses on living and posting big. Sometimes this leaves us feeling a little lost--maybe that we're even lacking...
SOHP Weekly: Holiday Countdown ????????️????
Happy, happy to you! ???? Although I'm a mostly happy person, sometimes life isn't happy and working through the unhappiness is it's own soulful journey. I've come to believe that these moments are when we find out the most about our inner core--sometimes it's dark,...
???? Welcome to SOHP Weekly
Welcome to SOHP Weekly! Today is the debut of our new SOHP Weekly -- and I'm grinning big because we're finally sending it out. Each week -- hopefully on Wednesday's in the future -- you'll get our new e-pub that will have a variety of sections with happiness:...
The Top 16 Fall Smile Starters
???? Like the majority of you — 47% to be exact — fall’s my favorite season. ???? I love everything about it. Or at least the fantasy of fall. Since I live in Texas, I fantasize about warm colors of fall foliage and leaves falling without the reality of raking and...
Happiness Happens Day 2019
Cheers!!! Happiness Happens Day is officially 21 years old, so we can legally have adult beverages Or you can toast with our traditional pink lemonade or any beverage that makes you smile. That’s the theme this year — smiles — and recognizing those people who start...
Happiness Matters, Especially When Unhappiness Happens
Happiness Matters, Especially When Unhappiness Happens Sometimes there really aren't words, and today feels like one of those days. However, I did try to find a few because happiness matters, even when unhappiness happens. We need to elevate our energy to deal with...
What Can We Learn From The Happiest Country In The World?
When you decide to do “official” awards from your organization, it’s a process. In the Society’s case, we started taking nominations in May. These Smile Starter Award winners are for the people, places and groups that start thousands or millions of smiles. There are...
Happiness Happens Month — Let’s Recognize One Million Smile Starters
Happiness is worth celebrating everyday — but when you declared the first happiness holiday, and it reaches a big milestone, say, 20 years later — you have got to do something special to celebrate! I may need to have a party or at least a cake...
Unintentionally Shaming People When They Aren’t Happy: The Shaming Secret No One Talks About
Unintentionally Shaming People When They Aren’t Happy: The Shaming Secret No One Talks About “Honey, you don’t understand, you can’t,” my mother responded when I was trying to understand the angst in her voice and her tear-filled sapphire blue eyes when we were...
5 Ways To Squelch Summer Stressors
5 Ways To Squelch Summer Stressors When you think of summer, most of you think of years past when you stayed out late with friends and loves, slept late and spent your days daydreaming by a pool or the beach — unless you worked a part-time job saving up for your new...
Not A Secret Any More
Not a Secret Anymore I’d never have guessed that the moment twenty-two years ago when I was sitting on my bed in my apartment wondering, “Where are all of the happy people?” for a humor essay, would impact my life today. I still clearly see that vision my imagination...
Are You The Happiest Person You Know?
Are You The Happiest Person You Know? When I first started the Society over two decades ago, I remember chatting at a mental health conference with a therapist who asked why I had started the Society. I responded with something like, “Our culture seems to reward us...
The Paradox of Love
The Paradox of Love I was recently watching my local weather forecast on CBS 11 when the weatherman, Scott Padgett, mentioned the weather for Valentine’s Day, or as he called it Single Awareness Day. I chuckled because it was clever. But as someone who’s been single...
18th Hunt For Happiness Week
It’s the 18th Hunt for Happiness Week! We’ve always hunted for happiness, and sometimes it’s sitting in our laps, or in some cases right under our nose. The third Monday in January was coined, Blue Monday, by Dr. Cliff Arnall, a U.K. based psychologist,...
Inspiration And Motivation For 2019
The first of the year is the time many of us strive to improve our lives in some way. As well-intentioned as we may be, our resolutions usually last a few days — or, if we’re being honest more like 72 hours. Maybe that’s why someone declared January 2 the official...
Happy New Year 2019
Thank you for being part of the Secret Society of Happy People -- each of you is a blessing in my life. As we ring in 2019, please take a few moments to reflect on this past year so you can remember all of the moments that made you feel good inside -- or happy. Here's...
Merry Christmas 2018
Merry Christmas!!! The big day is almost here – and you’re probably a little tuckered out from the busyness of the holiday season. As much as we fret about holiday stress, ironically, it’s the chaos and mayhem that create many of our memories … probably more than the...
Practical Happiness Principle: Happiness Is Bigger Than You Think
Happiness is Bigger Than You ThinkWhen I started the Society of Happy People in 1998, our original slogan was, “Are You Happier Than You Admit You Are?”The Society wanted people to pay attention to what they talked about. For example, were they talking...
Practical Happiness Principle: Happiness Changes As You Change
Happiness Changes as We ChangeYou know that your happiness changes as you change, but you probably don’t think about happiness that way.It’s easy to understand that the act of walking no longer gives you the same exuberance it did when you took your first...
Practical Happiness Principle: Happiness Is Personal
Happiness Is PersonalA friend of mine was going through one of those abundantly stressful times. She had lots of big life changes happening all at once—job, marriage, and parental caretaking.When big things change, it can feel like your entire life is...
Practical Happiness Principle: Happiness Zappers Are Manageable
Happiness Zappers Can be ManagedStudies show that people who consider themselves mostly happy, and those who consider themselves mostly unhappy, experience a similar number of unpleasant experiences.So, what’s the difference in how happy and unhappy people...