Luck, happiness,, does luck create happiness, Pamela Gail Johnson

Does Luck Create Happiness?

The word happy, in the late fourteenth century, literally meant lucky or being favored by fortune. Hap means chance or fortune, and y means a sense of being very glad. Even in our modern era of studies that tell us how to be scientifically happy, feeling happy can still feel random, as if the moment happens by chance.

Does Luck Create Happiness, Pamela Gail Johnson,

I can’t help but wonder, “Does luck create happiness?” We usually feel lucky when we get immediate gratification. We want something, and it seems to be delivered to us by a magic genie. Mine is usually dressed in purple and resembles Barbara Eden from “I Dream of Jeannie”. I feel lucky when the parking space I want is available, a scratch-off lottery ticket wins, or I’m trying to get a work appointment with someone and they answer the phone when I call and I make the appointment.

However, is luck still at play when we don’t get what we want? Warren Buffett, famously rejected by Harvard Business School, now says that was the best thing that ever happened to him. It feels that way to him now after he has the benefit of perspective, but did it feel that way at the time? Probably not. But was he lucky that his education took a different path? Probably.

Does Luck Create Happiness, Luck, Happiness,, Secret Society of Happy People, Pamela Gail Johnso

Warren Buffet wanted to be successful more than he wanted to go to Harvard therefore, his detour became lucky. Was it luck or his attitude or a bit of both?

Lucky Omens & Charms

Virtually every culture throughout history acknowledges luck. Good luck charms must be given to or found by us for them to be lucky. We can’t buy luck.

In many cases lucky omens become part of our family history. Here are three that I grew up with:

• Sneezing, especially three times in a row, is lucky. This one gets put to test during allergy season.
• When you find a penny, and pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck. You get even more luck if was found head side up.
• Put money in a new wallet so it’ll never be empty.

Two that I found on my own and love:

• Wearing a ring on your thumb brings good luck. I wear my Mimmie’s wedding ring.
• Knocking on wood to express my thanks when I feel lucky about something that did or didn’t happen.

Even when we go through times when we’re feeling unlucky, we can remember this proverb:
[Tweet “Behind bad luck comes good luck. ~ Gypsy Proverb”]

If I had to answer my original question, I suppose feeling lucky does make me feel happier. Now, I just need to work a little more on recognizing that when I’m not feeling so lucky, there’s probably a future blessing in that moment.

Good Luck Rituals & Wishes

I’m sending you one of my favorite lucky charms, a four-leaf clover—visualize it landing on your cheek. Four-leaf clovers were once so rare that finding one was considered great luck. Each leaf represents one of my wishes for you: fame, wealth, a faithful lover, and glorious health.

[Tweet “My good luck wish for you: fame, wealth, a faithful lover & glorious health!”]

Now it’s your turn. Do you have any good luck rituals? Leave a comment below to let us know what they are!! And, if you know someone who could benefit from reading this article, please share it with them! Everyone deserves a lucky charm of their very own!

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