I’ve been extra tired this past week. How have ya’ll been?
I finally decided to follow my own advice and limit my news and even social media feeds so I can recharge a bit. So far, so good. I’ve been doing it for about 15 hours and am already feeling a little more energized.
My head knows the numbers of people infected and ill from COVID-19 are only going to get bigger. So far, I already know a few people who know someone impacted by the virus so I’m two degrees removed from a personal connection. I know at some point I’ll know someone personally impacted by this and that breaks my heart. 
So, I’m trying to do my part and stay home since I’m not an essential worker. I’m also trying to do my part to keep my vibe up and help others do the same. Right now it’s important to:
  • Practice self-care.
  • Make masks if can you sew. I’ve read JoAnn’s Fabrics will give you supplies to make them. Then you return them and they’ll deliver them to hospitals. But I’ve seen local shops doing that to.
  • Be kind to everyone–people are having varying emotional reactions to this situation.
  • Put something in your SM feeds that’s non-virus related. Most days I’m sharing #SmileStarter posts on FB that you can share. 
  • Watch a funny video before going to sleep. 
Despite the anxiety going around there’s a lot of love, one of the Types of Happiness, being shared. Here’s a video I did to help you notice more of it.
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I’m closer to releasing the Raise Your Vibe Challenge–so look for details soon. We had a tiny technical hiccup that will be resolved Sunday. 
I’m very optimistic that once we get past this really scary part, which will probably go on for a few more weeks, we will emerge better for it. We’ll value experiences we took for granted. We’ll remember that we really are connected to each other. And we’ll be so happy to get out and about.
But in the meantime, stay strong, stay home, and stay safe. 

Wishing you peace, luv & lots of smiles,

Pamela Gail

Your mission should you choose to accept it this week is to: 
Call Someone or Someones
Pick up the phone and call someone–or do video chats, zoom, or facetime.
It’s important to talk to people, to hear voices, see faces 
and for others to hear and see yours during this time of social isolation.
Even if you are extra busy with working from home,
home schooling, and supply shopping,
it’s important to you stay in touch with others even if it’s for a few minutes.
Your routine needs to adapt right now to #flattenthecurve,
but you also need to connect to the people who matter. 
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There’s nothing that feels normal about needing to set your alarm to be at the store early to get something basic like toilet paper.   
Life feels disjointed. In all likelihood some of the things that usually contribute to your happiness aren’t an option right now–spending time with friends and family, going to restaurants, or even the gym. What makes you happy right now is probably changing to accommodate your new normal.   
This is part of my Practical Happiness Principles: Happiness Changes As You Change.
Sometimes you change because your circumstances change. That’s what’s going on now. Your circumstances are changing so your happiness is changing.
While you may not feel your normal happy self–happy moments are still happening for the majority of us. 
Here’s a video I did last Friday discussing how to recognize happiness right now. 
Even in times of duress recognizing your happy moments is important. If for no other reasons than they help you manage your stress and build your immune system.
Sometimes my brain feels like it’s about to explode lately. I’m sure being stuck at home, listening to the news almost non-stop, and reading lots of unhappy news in my FB feed contributes to it.
To help me balance it, I use this yoga breathe–Alternate Nostril Breathing. After I do it … it makes me smile. Hope it helps you too.

We have a new SOHP Subscriber Resource page with lots of the goodies for you to download.

Thursday, March 26

  • Good Hair Day
  • Purple Day
  • Spinach Day

Friday, March 27

  • International Whiskey Day
  • Spanish Paella Day

Saturday, March 28

  • Something on a Stick Day
  • Black Forest Cake Day
  • Earth Hour

Sunday, March 29

  • World Piano Day
  • Neighbor Day
  • Lemon Chiffon Cake Day
Monday, March 30
  • Doctors Day
  • Take a Walk in the Park Day
  • Pencil Day

Tuesday, March 31

  • Crayola Crayon Day
  • Eiffel Tower Day

Wednesday, April 1

  • April Fool’s Day
  • Fun Day
  • One Cent Day
  • Reading is Funny Day
  • Day of Hope
  • Sourdough Bread Day
  • National Walking Day
For those who have some extra time–now is the perfect time to plan
some happiness with our 12 Month Happiness Planner that you can download.

If you love what we’re doing and it makes you smile, please consider supporting SOHP Weekly – for the cost of a cup of coffee. While we deliver our digital pub for free to your inbox each week, we hope you’ll consider making a one-time gift of $3, or a monthly offering of that same amount. Your support helps us make the world a happier place.

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