Happy Passover. And Happy almost Easter.
Wow, it’s a weird way to celebrate the holidays. It does make you wonder, “Can it be a happy holiday?” Yes, yes you can. It’ll be different but it can be happy if you want it to be. Who knows maybe you’ll find a new something to add to your normal holiday traditions.
But, aren’t we lucky that we live in at a time where we can connect friends and family so easy–Zoom, FB, Facetime, Text, Social Media and more.
Yet, you’re not going to do your usual holiday traditions which may feel a little sad.
However, there’s still a tradition bright spot. The Prime Minister of New Zealand has designated the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy as essential workers so, some traditions remain the same.
Another wonderful thing that’s happening now are all of the concerts taking place. Andrea Bocelli is performing Music for Hope on Sunday at the historic Duomo, the cathedral of Milan, Italy. It’s Easter with Andrea — how fabulous is that.
In the meantime, enjoy this unique holiday season — despite the challenges, there are still many reasons to be thankful.
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I’ve postponed the 31 Day Raise Your Vibe Challenge. Instead, I’m doing a nightly (about 10 minutes) meet-up: Restore, Pray & Love. More info below.
I love ya’ll…thanks for making the world a happier place especially during difficult times.We need more smiles and happiness now.
We will get through this, we will be stronger and better after.
In the meantime, stay strong, stay home, and stay safe.

Wishing you peace, luv & lots of smiles,

Pamela Gail

Your mission should you choose to accept it this week is to: 
Have Some Holiday Fun 
If you celebrate one of the holidays have fun with it.
It might be different but different can be fun 
–you might start a new tradition.  
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The small things that we take for granted really do make us happy.
This is my favorite bread. For whatever reason I haven’t been able to find it at any store for at least three weeks. They had other bread but not the one I wanted.
Yes, I was bad and went to several stores looking for it.
Finally, I just assumed they’d quit making it during this pandemic. 
But today, I was so happy that it was in the bread section–and I needed bread. 
It really is small things that make us smile. ????

We have a new SOHP Subscriber Resource page with lots of the goodies for you to download.

While I know some of you are doing well–thanks for sharing your stories with me–I also know many people are feeling some challenging feelings.

Therefore, I decided to postpone the launch of the Raise Your Vibe Challenge–it will be coming soon, but right now, for the next few days or weeks I feel we needed something a little more soulfully focused.

I’m hosting an 8 pm CDT (most evenings) Restore, Pray & Love FB Live.

If you’re not on FB, no worries, just sign up here and we’ll send you the daily videos.

Thursday, April 9

  • Passover 
  • Unicorn Day
  • Name Yourself Day
  • Cherish an Antique Day

Friday, April 10

  • Good Friday
  • Golfer’s Day
  • Sibling Day
  • International Safety Pin Day

Saturday, April 11

  • Pet Day
  • Cheese Fondue Day
  • Barbershop Quartet Day

Sunday, April 12

  • Easter
  • Deskfast Day
  • Licorice Day
  • Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
Monday, April 13
  • Easter Monday
  • Scrabble Day
  • Thomas Jefferson Day

Tuesday, April 14

  • Dolphin Day
  • Look Up at the Sky Day
  • Equal Pay Day
  • Be Kind to Lawyers Day

Wednesday, April 15

  • Microvolunteering Day
  • Banana Day
  • Take a Wild Guess Day
  • Anime Day
Your at home drinking some coffee and tea
so it’s perfect to remind yourself that even in trying times you can
“Choose Happiness.”  


If you love what we’re doing and it makes you smile, please consider supporting SOHP Weekly – for the cost of a cup of coffee. While we deliver our digital pub for free to your inbox each week, we hope you’ll consider making a one-time gift of $3, or a monthly offering of that same amount. Your support helps us make the world a happier place.

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