Wishing you peace, luv & lots of smiles,
Pamela Gail

We have a new SOHP Subscriber Resource page with lots of the goodies for you to download.

Thursday, March 5
- World Book Day
- Cheese Doodle Day
- Name Tag Day
Friday, March 6
- Employee Appreciation Day
- Day of Unplugging
- Dress in Blue Day
- Frozen Food Day
- Middle Name Pride Day
- World Day of Prayer
Saturday, March 7
- Be Heard Day
- Plant Power Day
Sunday, March 8
- Daylight Savings Time
- International Women’s Day
- Purim – begins at Sunset
- Get Over It Day
- Meatball Day
- Barbie Day
Tuesday, March 10
- Day of Awesomeness
- Mario Day
- Skirt Day
- Organize Your Home Office Day
- International Wig Day
- International Bagpipe Day
Wednesday, March 11
- Johnny Appleseed Day

If you love what we’re doing and it makes you smile, please consider supporting SOHP Weekly – for the cost of a cup of coffee. While we deliver our digital pub for free to your inbox each week, we hope you’ll consider making a one-time gift of $3, or a monthly offering of that same amount. Your support helps us make the world a happier place.