A study done the last week of May shows Americans are unhappier than they’ve been in 50 years — and this poll was taken before our last few weeks of social inequality awareness. 
I’m not surprised by the results. A couple of years ago Gallup released a survey showing Americans were unhappier than they were in the Great Recession. Our global health pandemic seems to have exacerbated that unhappiness. 
So, what does a group of people who either are mostly happy or want to be a little happier do? 
First, we try to be kind to ourselves if our normal happy is off a bit. Second, we count our happy moments — all 31 one of them. You can get your happiness counter in our resource center or on our SOHP app. Finally, remember this is situational, fluid, changing and will eventually get better.  
Moments of happiness are still happening. They may be different. They may not be all we hoped for since we’re still social distancing — which may not mean complete isolation, but we’re still limiting our people time. We’re getting a global lesson in mindfulness — seeing happiness in the moment and in the little things. 
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Happiness Happens Month will be here before we know it — August 1 is less than 7 weeks away.
This year we’ll be doing things to start smiles. This way we’ll end up starting two: one for you and one for another person.
Plans are to release more details next week.   
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Please wear your mask, stay safe, and things will keep getting happier.
Wishing you peace, luv & lots of smiles!!
Your mission should you choose to accept it this week is to: 
Get Some Sunshine  
Summer officially starts Saturday
so it’s time to get a little sunshine. 
Sit on your balcony or porch,
go to the lake or beach (and social distance),
take a walk, or
watch a sunrise or sunset. 
Thursday is International Picnic Day and Go Fishing Day
–two great ways to celebrate fun holidays and get sunshine. 
Somedays the sun and blue skies can be a #SmileStarter. 
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I couldn’t help but smile, okay and sing, when I saw JoJo Clarke and Bri’Anna Harper on The View.
Their joy exudes from their soul. Their YouTube channel made me smile even more.
They reminded me that when we do something we love our happiness inspires others. 
I hope they are a #SmileStarter for you too. 

We have a new SOHP Subscriber Resource page with lots of the goodies for you to download.

While I know some of you are doing well–thanks for sharing your stories with me–I also know many people are feeling some challenging feelings.

Therefore, I decided to postpone the launch of the Raise Your Vibe Challenge–it will be coming soon, but right now, for the next few days or weeks I feel we needed something a little more soulfully focused.

I’m hosting an 8 pm CDT (most evenings) Restore, Pray & Love FB Live.

If you’re not on FB, no worries, just sign up here and we’ll send you the daily videos.

Thursday, June 18 

  • International Picnic Day
  • Go Fishing Day
  • Splurge Day
  • International Sushi Day

Friday, June 19

  • Junteenth
  • Garfield the Cat Day
  • Take Back the Lunch Break Day
  • Martini Day

Saturday, June 20

  • Summer Solstice / Summer Begins
  • Ice Cream Soda Day
  • Surf Day
  • Vanilla Milkshake Day
  • World Productivity Day
  • American Eagle Day

Sunday, June 21

  • Father’s Day
  • World Music Day
  • Optimism Day
  • Indigenous People Day
  • BoxKart Bash Day
  • World Motorcycle Day
  • Peaches ‘N’ Cream Day
  • World Giraffe Day
  • International Yoga Day
  • Make Music Day
  • Selfie Day
  • Turkey Lovers’ Day
  • Daylight Appreciation Day
  • Go Skateboarding Day
Monday, June 22
  • World Rainforest Day
  • Onion Rings Day
  • Chocolate Éclair Day
  • Positive Media Day

Tuesday, June 23

  • Let It Go Day
  • Typewriter Day
  • Public Service Day

Wednesday, June 24

  • Swim a Lap Day
  • Fairy Day
  • Upcycling Day
  • Pralines Day
This week I’ll double your mug order.
So, if you buy one you’ll get two. If you buy two, you’ll get four.   
Right now, it’s important to remember that sometimes we choose our happiness. 
Offer ends June 23, 2020   

If you love what we’re doing and it makes you smile, please consider supporting SOHP Weekly – for the cost of a cup of coffee. While we deliver our digital pub for free to your inbox each week, we hope you’ll consider making a one-time gift of $3, or a monthly offering of that same amount. Your support helps us make the world a happier place.

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