It’s been another week of sad, even scary news.
How are ya’ll holding up? Are you a little sad, concerned and stir crazy? 
This week I’m sharing my thoughts in this video about what’s happening and a plan to help with the stir crazy. 
The Society has three Facebook pages where I’m posting #SmileStarter news.
I’m also commenting on my friends posts with the #SmileStarter hashtag. So, if you’re looking for some smile starting posts just search the #SmileStarter hashtag.
And click here if you want to friend me. 
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You’ll be getting information on our 31 Day Raise Your Vibe Challenge by Monday. I’m so excited to help ya’ll raise your vibe during this time of concern, anxiety and uncertainty.  
We will get through this, we will be stronger and better after.
In the meantime, stay strong, stay home, and stay safe.

Wishing you peace, luv & lots of smiles,

Pamela Gail

Your mission should you choose to accept it this week is to: 
Watch Your Favorite Sit Coms or Funny Movie 
It’s important to laugh right now–it does help boost your immune system.
Find one of your classic sit coms, it’s Friends for me,
or a funny movie (there are too many for me to name).
Maybe ask some of your friends to watch the same thing
and then you can reminisce about it.
Nostalgia is a type of happiness. 
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People are being so creative that it can’t help but make you smile.
If you’ve done something please share it with me. 
This video actually makes me laugh…because we will survive. 


We have a new SOHP Subscriber Resource page with lots of the goodies for you to download.

Thursday, April 2

  • World Autism Day
  • Children’s Book Day
  • Peanut Butter & Jelly Day
  • Love Your Produce Manager Day

Friday, April 3

  • Chocolate Mousse Day
  • World Party Day
  • Find a Rainbow Day

Saturday, April 4

  • DIY Day
  • Vitamin C Day
  • Firewalk Day
  • Pillow Fight Day
  • Cordon Bleu Day
  • Carrot Day
  • D.A.R.E. Day

Sunday, April 5

  • Geologist Day
  • Star Trek First Contact Day
  • Deep Dish Pizza Day
  • Caramel Day
  • Hospital Admitting Clerks Day
  • Read a Road Map Day
Monday, April 6
  • World Table Tennis Day
  • Caramel Popcorn Day
  • Army Day

Tuesday, April 7

  • World Health Day
  • Beer Day
  • No Housework Day
  • Beaver Day

Wednesday, April 7

  • Day of Pink Day
  • Draw a Picture of a Bird Day
When you need to remind yourself to
“Choose Happiness”
just look at your ankles. 🙂

If you love what we’re doing and it makes you smile, please consider supporting SOHP Weekly – for the cost of a cup of coffee. While we deliver our digital pub for free to your inbox each week, we hope you’ll consider making a one-time gift of $3, or a monthly offering of that same amount. Your support helps us make the world a happier place.

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