Who’s counting the days until you get to move to the next phase of our new normal? Or more correctly, our new fluid normal … meaning so much of what it will be is unknown and being figured out in real time.
I was on a webinar last week with Arthur Brooks who does happy workplace stuff. Some of his points about the workplace and COVID apply to everyone right now. He said we’re dealing with:
  • Disappointment — Plans that have been canceled. Hopes that are in limbo. Routines that aren’t happening.
  • Uncertainty —  We don’t do well with uncertainty so we’re trying to consume info to determine risk. Yet, there are so many unknowns in the current situation that it’s hard to determine risk which then ironically increases our uncertainty.
  • Bonding — We miss boding with other people in-person. Everyone, even introverts, needs a certain about of human-to-human contact. To help with this absence try to make more eye contact with anyone you’re living with, or when you do errands. Also, if you are with people that you can hug, hugging for 22 seconds also increases your Oxycontin–one of those feel-good chemicals.
Do any of these experiences resonate with you? Maybe all three. If so, you’re not alone even when it feels lonely. Here’s a link to the Restore, Pray & Love video I did on this topic.
Despite all of the sadness, fears, and real challenges of this situation I’m filled with hope. I’m hopeful that:
We realize how connected we are to each other globally. Our actions really do impact others. 
We realize the experiences that make us happiest are the ones we have with others–family, friends, neighbors, coworkers and even strangers. 
We realize some of the most “essential” jobs to keep our lives and economy moving may not always be the most glamorous ones.  
We realize that we need to find a real work – life balance so that we get to mindfully experience the moments that make us happiest. 
We realize that loving ourselves allows us to love others and the world. The world needs more love right now.  
In the meantime try to stay patient while we find our new normal. And have hope that we can emerge from this better.
As always stay safe, stay home if you can, and keep noticing those happy moments.
Wishing you peace, luv & lots of smiles!!
PS … I’m still sending little gifts to the essential workers.
I’m waiting on some addresses and if you’re one send me an email.
Hope to have them out early next week.
Your mission should you choose to accept it this week is to: 
Plan Your Dream Vacation 
Studies show we get almost as much happiness
from planning a vacation as we do taking it.
This week plan your dream vacation or maybe it’s lots of vacations.
Maybe create a vacation journal or dream board so when it’s time to travel
you can start picking dates for those dream trips. 
✈️ ✈️ ✈️ 
I moved this tree about four years ago from my front to back yard.
The first couple of years I wasn’t sure it was going to survive.
But with lots of love, water and belief that it would, it’s now thriving.
This is the time of year it’s filled with blooms and makes me smile every time I look at it. 
Sometimes our smiles come from things that take time to grow.
We often want to find shortcuts. Sometimes there aren’t any. But if we have patience the reward is beautiful–and smile starting.

We have a new SOHP Subscriber Resource page with lots of the goodies for you to download.

While I know some of you are doing well–thanks for sharing your stories with me–I also know many people are feeling some challenging feelings.

Therefore, I decided to postpone the launch of the Raise Your Vibe Challenge–it will be coming soon, but right now, for the next few days or weeks I feel we needed something a little more soulfully focused.

I’m hosting an 8 pm CDT (most evenings) Restore, Pray & Love FB Live.

If you’re not on FB, no worries, just sign up here and we’ll send you the daily videos.

This is Nurses Week — if you know one thank them for helping keep us healthy.

Thursday, May 7

  • Password Day
  • Cosmopolitan Day

Friday, May 8

  • No Socks Day
  • World Donkey Day
  • Public Garden Day
  • Military Spouse’s Appreciation Day
  • Iris Day

Saturday, May 9

  • Windmill Day
  • Train Day
  • Bellydance Day

Sunday, May 10

  • Mother’s Day
  • Mother Ocean Day
  • Stay Up All Night Day
  • One Day Without Shoes Day
Monday, May 11
  • Eat What You Want Day
  • Accounting Day
  • Twilight Zone Day

Tuesday, May 12

  • Nutty Fudge Day
  • Limerick Day
  • International Nurses Day

Wednesday, May 13

  • Leprechaun Day
  • Chicken Dance Day
Send a few post cards and make someone smile today. 

If you love what we’re doing and it makes you smile, please consider supporting SOHP Weekly – for the cost of a cup of coffee. While we deliver our digital pub for free to your inbox each week, we hope you’ll consider making a one-time gift of $3, or a monthly offering of that same amount. Your support helps us make the world a happier place.

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