Every November, I challenge you to have a month of being thankful and feeling grateful.

Why is being thankful so important?

According to gratitude expert Sarah Ban Breathnach, “You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given to you.”

For most happy people feeling thankful for your blessings is usually easy. In fact, the more thankful we are, the happier we usually are.

However, sometimes, when we are in the middle of chaos, it’s not always easy to feel thankful even if we know we should be thankful for something. If you’re not in a thankful space, don’t beat yourself up. To change your space follow these steps:

  • Start small by recognizing the things you might feel grateful for like the nice fall weather, that you’re healthy, or that you have a pet that loves you. How do those things make you feel? If you feel thankful they are part of your life, then you’re on your way to increasing the list. Try to have at least five things on it each day.

If you’re part of our Facebook following, then, you’ll get a daily reminder and quote about thankfulness and gratitude.

In the meantime, come back to this post as often as you’d like and share what you’re thankful for. Or keep a journal, post it on your Facebook page, Tweet your thanks, or even create a Thankful Pinterest Board.

Being thankful is one of the most important happiness habits that we can develop because it enables us to increase our happiness.

Pamela Gail Johnson, Founder, Secret Society of Happy People


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