Happy, Happiness

Do you ever notice how many Facebook posts over the weekend are about dreading Monday?

Those post make me wonder why Monday makes so many people unhappy. After all, would any of us prefer the alternative to there not being a Monday?

I get that most people don’t have their dream job of being a trust fund baby or lottery winner. Since I don’t either, on most Mondays, unless it’s a holiday, I work at my pay-the-bills job. But I don’t dread Mondays. I believe they are magical.

Although Monday is technically the second day of the week, it’s the day that many things might start happening. You might get a call for a job that would make you happier. The office newbie might become a lifelong friend. Your spouse might surprise you by cooking your favorite dinner without prompting. And if you buy that lottery ticket – you might win. The magical possibilities are only as endless as your imagination.

Mondays come around every week and we can either dread them, or find them magical.

What do you think about Monday’s? And what magical moment do you anticipate this week?


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