During the month of August we’re going to post a new blog most days to celebrate Happiness Happens Month.


Today we’re celebrating happiness with art by Society member, Mr.Clam Lynch … and yes, I purchased a piece myself. It’s just full of happy.


 DELICIOUS ~ Mr. Clam LynchPlease - Mr Clam 8-3-2013Sprinkles ~ Mr. Clam Lynch



 Meet Mr. Clam Lynch

Mr. clam Lynch Bio


Clam is a professional and lifelong artist with a wide range of skills and experience including performance artist,comedian, the development of children’s programming, authoring of children’s books, production designer for film and t.v. as well as theater and large art installations which he has designed and constructed . he also teaches art to children in his free time. after working on the creation of a television show based on a character developed from several successful theater runs , he is now focusing on his artwork and paintings and the creation 63Bluxome Street Gallery….and being a dad.

Clam Lynch ” I dropped the gallery ,took down my website and only sell my painting off my Facebook page. At Mr. Clam Lynch …And i am happier for it!.”

Happiness Happens Month Blogs are full of prizes so if you tell us which is your favorite of the three pictures above by Monday, August 5 at midnight, and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a You Can’t Have Too Much Happy Sticky Note pad.

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